Grand Strategy Will Change Your Life

An Introduction Into An Idea To Open Your Mind

Jonas Hughes
9 min readNov 3, 2021
Muhammad Ali: A Master Of Grand Strategy

Grand Strategy Will Change Your Life

How Hollywood Understands Strategy More Than Politicians

Muhammad Ali A True Master Of Grand Strategy

Why now is the time to develop more thinkers than followers to create new ideas that challenge the status quo? The need for ideas that make a Grand Strategy prepares the United States for the 21st Century instead of maintaining the sacred cows of the last Century. Strategy is a lost art that we must begin teaching future leaders. The best teachers have been Hollywood, but reality does not promise a happy ending. Through creative thinking and the ability to create comprehensive plans is the essence missing from politics.

Hollywood would love our intelligence to be as capable as the movies. The house that Wild Bill Donovan built is the most remarkable start any nation could hope for, but I imagine he never thought it would forget its true mission, protect our assets, not become a has been.

That must change.

Power is a force Americans should wield, not fear. To wield power, though, there are steps…

