Why You Should Know Strategy

Jonas Hughes
5 min readDec 29, 2020

I was to begin writing a series of articles on understanding the importance of strategy. This year should be an eye-opener for many people calling themselves leaders today, yet it seems that even they do not think for themselves. The fact that all campaign ads end with a candidate telling potential voters they approve the message is troubling. I see Toyota, Subaru, and Honda running more commercials to help the American public than I do our own companies. All of this made me realize, not only is there a lack of strategic thinking, but there is no leader currently formulating plans to fix the problems we face as a nation.

A strategy is an essential aspect of politics, business, and nation-building. Can you imagine my surprise watching a presidential campaign unfold with only one candidate offering any ideas of how they would lead our country into the next phase of the 21st century? Our old-world counterparts have done their best to adapt our innovative methods and ways to rebuild after spending the last century in war? Instead of adopting innovative practices, the United States has taken the mindset not conducive to growth.

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